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Young women of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints should adopt these standards of personal worthiness as they prepare to stand as witnesses for Christ.
  • Pray in private regularly
  • Read the scriptures regularly
  • Seek the guidance of the Spirit
  • Honor father and mother
  • Be morally clean
  • Obey the Word of Wisdom, including not using tobacco, alcoholic drinks, coffee, tea, or harmful drugs
  • Be honest in thought, word, and action
  • Pay tithes and offerings
  • Practice the law of the fast
  • Respect and support the priesthood
  • Obey the laws of the land
  • Apply the principles of repentance and forgiveness
  • Help make family life better
  • Refrain from swearing, gossip, criticizing others, and other unworthy speech
  • Avoid all immoral and suggestive materials and entertainment
  • Be an example of the Lord's word in thought, speech, action, and appearance
  • Participate in church meetings; participate in seminary where possible
  • Learn from experience the blessing of work and the sweetness of service



    These standards should be reinforced through lessons and activities.
    (Young Women Leadership Handbook, p. 5)