- In my ward, we did something different as to not cause expense.
As YW president I had the birthday list and when it was each girl's
birthday, they came to the front of the room and stood. I had
the Laurel conducting opening exercises write on the board, and another
write on pretty stationary with the girl's name written in calligraphy
on top, and one by one we went around the room and said her best qualities. Everyone had
to participate with no duplication. At the end the girl received
the paper to take home. In later years, one young woman said how that paper
pulled her through her darkest hours. Things said were like,
beautiful smile, friend to everyone, fun laugh, always there when she is
needed, responsible, dependable, spiritual, etc... FRIENDSHIP BASKETS: -
- When I was visiting my friend in Texas, they had a basket at the front
of the room. Each Sunday they have one girl pick a name from a basket
then they have another basket(that is decorated in YW colors) and they
take it home and buy stuff that they think the girl that they picked likes.
I thought this was a way for everyone to get to know each other. Maren SPOTLIGHT FORM QUESTIONS: -
- For question ideas for all levels of the YW program, click
here. FRIENDSHIP BASKETS: - Our YW give out
special friendship baskets to each other. There are two floating around
in our young womens. To start:give out two (or one mattering on the
size of your group) baskets filled with little goodies (treats, shampoo
samples, homemade items, etc) the leader giving the basket out stands up
in front of the class (just before the classes split) and gives hints about
who each basket is for. We all try to guess and then the chosen girl comes
to get her basket getting a hug from whoever gave her the basket then the
next week she brings the basket refilled with other little things for someone
else. Those baskets makes the rounds over the year. Leaders and girls
both can be given baskets. FRIENDSHIP BASKETS: - We started off with a
plain wicker basket and on Sunday they are told who they have. They
are also given that young woman's "Friendship Basket" form so they can
get to know them a little better. We ask the girls to make sure they
focus on a value and whatever value they choose, they are to attach something
to the basket of that color. So each time the basket goes around,
they are slowly decorating it. On Sunday, when they present
it, they ask all the girls to stand, including leaders and they go through
some of the things on the form, like, "This girl's favorite food is lasagna,
etc." You sit down if it doesn't apply to you. At the end,
there's one girl standing and then the one presenting the basket tells
what value they feel that girl represents and why. (see "Friendship
Basket Form") TESTIMONY/GOOD THOUGHTS: - We did a spider web type
thing. We sat in a circle and one person started with a ball of
yarn and then bore thier testimony, then they threw the ball to someone
else who then bore thier testimony and threw it on to someone else.
It worked pretty well and in the end we had a great looking web in the
center. We have also done this where you say something you
like about another person in the circle and thentoss
the ball to them. This is wonderful especially when the oldergirls
say something nice about the younger girls.