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BE PREPARED: -  - Make sure your lesson is well prepared.  Read your lessons EARLY at the beginning of the week.  Pray for inspiration, read everything you can get your hands on (churchwise) about the subject. These girls know these principles, make them think.  Don't  just figure it's an easy no-brainer lesson, and then not put alot of effort into it.  Make the lessons fun and involve the girls.  Make it a discussion not a lecture.  I read the lessons Sunday or Monday,  as ideas come to me during the week, I write them down immediately.  I  am not the world's best idea person, but I know without a doubt that if I work as hard as I can, the Lord always works even harder and the ideas come.   Sue

  OPENING PHRASE: -  When the class is supposed to begin, open with the phrase " What would Jesus do?" Or " Would Jesus do this?" Get the class to think about this, and then begin with  a prayer. If this does not work, talk to your Bishop or Stake President and have arranged a " Walk Out " 
WALK OUT: - When the noise becomes to an unbearable level or you have received "no attitude" changes in the class you get up smile, and say " I hope that you will be able to follow the counsel of our Heavenly Father on your own. It just doesn't look like you're interested in obtaining the Highest Celestial Glory."  Then say " I hope that you will one day try a little better to be a little better." Then walk out of the class ( closing the door).  We don't know if it will work for you, but it did work for us. The other thing that our stake President suggested was to refer the members of the class to the Bishop for disciplinary action.
